Tuesday 20 May 2008

Meeting Professor Vogl

Jeannette and I got to the clinic in plenty of time.
We went to the reception and booked in.
I went off to have the CT scan done which was quite nervy.
I am not claustrophobic but I didn't like being jammed in the machine with metal on top of me which was strapped to the table, an alarm for emergencies and headphones to listen to instructions.
The process took about 15 minutes to complete.
I got dressed and went to see Professor Vogl's secretary who directed us to the waiting room.
From there we went to his office and waited for him.

He arrived and introduced himself. He did ask who the patient was as he said Jeannette and I looked too healthy.
He explained the MRI x-rays and said he could perform the Chemoembolization, I was so afraid he was going to say he couldn't do it.
He also said that I had to have a long life as I was now one of his statistics!
He doesn't get many Mesothelioma patients, maybe 5 -7 a year and that is from all over the world. He also told us that this wasn't a cure but was a trial.
He said I could have pictures from the X-ray to add to the website and he would point out what was relevant which was brilliant.
He asked Jeannette if she wanted to come into the treatment tomorrow and she agreed to it.
We went off and celebrated with a lovely lunch and a German beer. I feel like it is Christmas!!